10 Easy Food Switches To Make Healthy Eating A Breeze!

It is very common to feel overwhelmed or confused when you have decided to start eating healthier. The nutrition culture, media buzz, numerous food options on the shelves, and hundreds of food labels to go through could be intimidating. I feel you!

Not only am I glad that you’ve made the decision to eat healthier, but I also understand that it isn’t the easiest thing to do. So, I have tried to make things easier for you. I have come up with 10 simple, yet effective food switches to make healthy eating a breeze. 

Sometimes, all it takes is a simple substitution coupled with a willing mind! Trust me when I say these food swaps will go a very long way! Be sure to read this blog and share it with your healthy bestie! 

Switch #1: Whole Fruit for Fruit Juice

Treat yourself to a fresh piece of fruit. It provides you with more nutrition and fiber keeping you full for longer compared to fruit juice. The skin and pulp are an important source of fiber, which is often lost in the process of juicing. 

 Switch #2: Plain Cereal or Oatmeal for Sugary Cereal

Before you reach for that box of sugary cereal for breakfast, think about it for a minute. Do you really want to start your day with something so unhealthy and sugary? Plain cereal and oatmeal are healthier options you can enjoy. 

Switch #3: Dark Chocolate for Milk Chocolate

A loaf of bread on a cooling rack

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Although both may taste equally amazing, dark chocolate wins in terms of nutritional benefits. Dark chocolate is high in antioxidants, fiber, and iron and it is lower in sugar compared to milk chocolate or regular chocolate. Make sure you pick those with higher cacao percentages (70% or higher) for lower sugar.

Switch #4: A Whole-Grain Toast for Sliced White Bread

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Whole grain wraps and toasts generally provide twice the amount of dietary fiber of white bread. It also provides more essential nutrients because of the bran and germ, which are both removed when making white bread.

Switch #5: Homemade Foods for Take-Out

When you cook at home, you can control everything from ingredients to serving size. These are variables that often lead to overeating and weight gain when dining out. Not only are home-cooked meals healthier, you get to save a lot of money too!  

Switch #6: Carrots and Celery Sticks for Potato Chips

A picture containing indoor, plastic, sliced, carrot stick

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Potato chips are often artificially flavored, loaded with sodium, calories, and saturated fats.  If you need a crunchy midday snack, try carrots and celery sticks instead. Low in calories, and just as crunchy, celery sticks, sweet baby carrots, or bell peppers are sure to do the trick.

Switch #6: Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar for Creamy Salad Dressing

Creamy, store-bought salad dressings are often loaded with sugar, sodium, and calories which defeat the whole purpose of eating a salad. Create your own healthy salad dressing with olive oil, a splash of balsamic vinegar, freshly cracked pepper and you’re set. You can also try using lemon juice, vinegar, Greek yogurt, and mustard to make healthy and tasty homemade salad dressings. 

Switch #8: Spices for Salt

Lowering the amount of salt you eat, could have a huge impact on your health and bloat status. Try flavoring your foods with spices such as garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, ginger, etc. and using fresh flavor enhancers like fresh lemon juice and parsley. Your dishes will remain just as flavorful without the harmful addition of extra salt.

Switch #9: Greek Yogurt for Ice Cream

Ice cream is high in saturated fats and sugar. Greek yogurt on the other hand, contains double the amount of protein as regular yogurt and contains probiotics which help with digestion.

Switch #10: Iced Black Coffee with Splash of Milk for A Frappuccino

If it’s a hot day and you’re craving a cold unhealthy drink, opt for an iced black coffee with a splash of milk instead. It will be just as refreshing and satisfying!

So, tell me …  when will you make that switch and start living a healthier, happier life?